On the Domplein in Utrecht you find the Resistance Monument (a version of the Statue of Liberty) made by the Dutch sculptor Cornelia C.J.M (Corinne) Franzén-Heslenfeld (1903-1989).
The statue, erected on May 4 1949, is made of limestone (kalk-).
The statue, erected on May 4 1949, is made of limestone (kalk-).
It is 6 meters high and placed on a 4 meters high white column of (natural) stone. The statue is a symbol of the resistance in World War II. Since the resistance in Utrecht was mainly organized by the woman the statue is a woman.
In her hand the torch of light and life.
In her hand the torch of light and life.
In the history of Utrecht women play a big role . More about that in following blogs.
In the column you can find a text of the poet Jan Engelman:
'GEDENK UW DOODEN DIE DEN GOEDEN STRIJD. GESTREDEN HEBBEN IN GERECHTIGHEID. DRAAGT VOORT HUN VLAM, ZIJ ZIJN GEBLEVEN. MAAR IN DIEN GLOED WORDT ONS NIEUW LEVEN'. (Remember your death persons who fought the good battle in justice. Go on carrying their flame. They left behind, but in that glow our new life will rise).
In the column you can find a text of the poet Jan Engelman:
'GEDENK UW DOODEN DIE DEN GOEDEN STRIJD. GESTREDEN HEBBEN IN GERECHTIGHEID. DRAAGT VOORT HUN VLAM, ZIJ ZIJN GEBLEVEN. MAAR IN DIEN GLOED WORDT ONS NIEUW LEVEN'. (Remember your death persons who fought the good battle in justice. Go on carrying their flame. They left behind, but in that glow our new life will rise).
thanks to botofogo for the permission to publish his beautiful picture on my blog