Wednesday 29 April 2009

Utrecht Vrijmarkt - Free Market

On April 29 at 18:00, the evening before Queeen’s Day starts with a “Vrijmarkt” (Free Market).
It is a free market because the non-professional inhabitants don't need a permit.

It’s a market in the north part of the centre between the canels and “singel”.

Adults sell all kind of furnishings and children used toys.
But children also show their talents in making music, dancing, funny games.
Most of the people wear clothes which are entirely or partly coloured orange for the family name of the Royal Family is called “van Oranje”.

It started in 1982 and was a local neighbourhood party.
Now it is a national well known event that attracks people from all cities in the environment of Utrecht.
Since it needs a good cooperation with police, fire brigade, etc. the organisation is taken over by the the local government.
On the 3rd picture is Elisee from Ruanda playing the National Hymne "Wilhelmus" on her saxophone.
About 400 police(wo)men leaded 300.00 visitors in good channels.


  1. Er schijnen zo rond 500.000 mensen geweest te zijn terwijl er 300.000 mensen verwacht werden. Het leuke is dat je altijd wel bekenden tegen komt. Staan ze niet voor een kraam dan staan ze er wel achter :).
